8 Keys to a Successful BI Strategy – Featured in CIO

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AIM’s Senior Director of Data and Analytics, Steve Tycast, was recently featured in a CIO article discussing how BI success requires more than just a strong technology platform.

The article highlights essential elements that can help overcome challenges to creating a successful BI strategy, with Steve noting that a successful strategy is “…less about the technology and more about the business, the data they have, and how they interact with it. It’s about creating a data-centric culture, to be able to provide those insights back to the end users to tell that organization’s story.

He went on to say that  “Data is a journey and not a destination, so IT should continue to play a strategic supporting role to understand the new and evolving tools and technologies to support the ability for business users to access and utilize the data.”

Make sure to check out the full article at CIO.

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AIM’s world-class team of experts lead technology engagements across industries with deep admiration for each client’s success. Our consultants help companies strategize, design, build and operationalize data and analytical platforms through our high-performing teams of data engineers, architects, data scientists, and analysts.

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